After 34 years of clinical practice and over 25 years specializing in attention and behavioral disorders (ADHD, ODD), I have stopped doing direct therapy with clients. My wife, Sheila, and I have been traveling in Central America since December 1, 2016; a dream we are now fulfilling.
During the year or so before retiring from the Attention and Learning Clinic, I realized that our integrated model of assessing and evaluating ADHD combined with our acceptance of almost all insurance was unique in the Wichita area and hard to find nationally. I began considering how I might pass on our therapy and business model.
During the eight months before our departure from the States, I worked with Axiom Counseling and Therapy, directed by Todd Nickel, LMFT; to develop their Attention and Learning Center. Our agreement includes further training and weekly consultation with the group on Attention and Learning Center cases for three years.
The Axiom group have been trained in the basics of the Attention and Learning Clinic’s integrated-cooperation model and we are continuing additional training and consultation on a weekly basis through the miracle of technology. The Axiom group therapists are integrating the Attention and Learning Clinic’s model to their own style of therapy, which focuses on family relationships and which they have refined over years of their clinical practice.
Teaching the Attention and Learning Clinic's principles and methods to other therapists has been enlightening to me in several ways: 1) “Forcing” me formalize and write down ideas and strategies helps me “see” them differently and clarify them. 2) Feedback from other therapists also helps to clarify, refine, and expand (and sometimes delete) material. 3) Understanding how other therapists might utilize and mold the Attention and Learning Clinic’s principles and methods into their own practice has been instructive.
Although I am learning a great deal from sharing the Attention and Learning Clinic’s model with other professionals, during the past few months I’ve become more aware that I want to continue to share the Clinic’s perspective and learn directly from clients and parents. To this end I am starting an internet-based coaching service for ADHD clients and parents who have kids with ADHD and/or behavioral concerns. Besides doing one-to-one coaching I intend to develop materials that will be easily available to wide range of persons with ADHD-type difficulties and parents of ADHD kids.
Our Services
The Attention and Learning Clinic provides integral assessment and treatment of ADHD and other disorders. A number of assessment tools are used and a number of treatment strategies are usually recommended. A major focus is educational. Many of the tools we offer require conscious life practice. We also stress colaborating with others involved in treatment.